Sunday 20 April 2014

Space Marines - Ultramarines - The greatest of them all.

Well, having watched Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie - i decided i should put some focus on these galactic smurfs some more.
I started painting the Ultramarine chapter back in the early 90's, - even then the beaky corvus armour was quirky and "old skool" - these were always my favourites. I have a LOAD of these to paint up, lots of variants etc, exo terminator armour figures - some real gems.

Recently picking up an airbrush my approach to painting has changed significantly. In the brush wielding past the idea of painting multiple vehicles and large numbers would break me out in a cold sweat. After some issues initially - (airbrushing has a steep learning curve) i am now becoming more competent and i actually LOOK FORWARD to the larger projects!

Currently i have some "reclaimed" 40k vehicles so i thought i would start with a 10 man tactical squad and a rhino, in the background there is an  original Land Raider - rogue trader era. I gave it some severe weathering and mud effects!
I used Vallejo grey for the base coats, then painted all Ultramarines in Vallejo blue, shaded with Signal blue and highlighted with firstly blue and white and then light sea blue for the final highlights. Textured sand is added to the vehicles, and some drybrushing and wear effects - the tactical arrow is hand painted and the transfers are applied using micro sol and set. Some Tamiya smoke has been used as a wash, and some good old chestnut ink from GW's glorious past.... I worry about my half full pot and when it ends... What will replace this liquid gold? lol.

I will post some pics of the finished Land Raider soon, in the meanwhile....

The Ultramarines man a roadblock vigilantly. Kill the heretics!

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