Sunday 10 August 2014

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

Finished these off yesterday, always loved the original Horror models, the newer ones just look like bits of metal cast - awful sculpts and awful ideas.
These original white metal horrors are awesome. No bullshit about how i have painted a blue horror pink, i can't be arsed with that type of fluff whore.

Bright pink demons are win.


  1. Truly awesome, could be brighter though :P

    Fancy sharing your pink "recipe"?

  2. Hi Smiler, thanks for the positive comment, quite a simple recipe really, i use an airbrush entirely - vallejo white undercoat, vallejo scarlet red for shadows. then add white to the scarlet to a nice pink for the base coat, then basically add in white and progressively work up the highlights, all with the airbrush.

  3. Curse you and your fancy airbrush techniques! I'll get one someday, I love how bright and clean you get your light colours.
